Keeping those New Year’s resolutions

December 31, 2018

As the year comes to a close, we tend to reflect on the events of the past year and make plans for the next.  We make New Year’s resolutions, like eating healthier or sleeping more.  While setting goals is great, achieving them is even better!  As you make your New Year’s resolutions, keep the following four tips in mind.

  1. Specific. How will you know if you reached your goal?  For example, you want to eat healthier.  That’s a terrific aspiration.  Now, what are you going to do to get there?  Maybe you’re going to regularly eat breakfast, or maybe you’re going to incorporate an extra serving of vegetables into your daily diet.  Write your resolution to read like an action item.  That way you’ll know exactly what you need to do to reach your goal.
  2. Reasonable. Can you reasonably achieve your goal by this time next year?  If you have big dreams, focus on one step at a time.  This will ensure you are steadily moving towards your goal.  For example, you want to switch to a vegetarian diet, but you love the taste of meat.  Start by compiling a list of vegetarian dishes that you enjoy or would like to try.  Next, eat one vegetarian meal a week.  Then, two, three, four.  Before you know it, half of your meals will be vegetarian, and then soon enough, all of them.  By breaking the resolution down into smaller steps, it will be easier to bring to fruition.
  3. Accountable. Who is checking on your progress?  Tell people about your New Year’s resolution.  They will likely ask you how it’s going, at least at the beginning of the year.  Having someone else hold you accountable drastically increases your chances of success.  Using the buddy system can be a great way to keep in touch with your friends and work towards your New Year’s resolutions.  Set up regular check in times during the year with a friend or friend group.  Meeting in person or over a video call works best.  Seeing someone face to face increases the power of the buddy system in this case.
  4. Flexible. Goals can morph over the course of a year.  For example, your resolution is to eat a low FODMAP diet.  You’re off to a great start in January and keep strictly to the diet only to find that your GI symptoms are worse.  Your doctor recommends other dietary changes.  So what do you do?  Adjust your goals and apply the first three tips for success.

Follow these four tips and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your New Year’s resolutions.  If you need any support during the year for food related goals, check out the ETP Food Coaching program.  We offer a variety of custom services tailored to your specific goals.

Here’s to a fantastic year!  Cheers!

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